Mp3 Download song Jane French Breathe FREE Mp3 Download Song Lyrics. Jane French song lyrics

Jane French - Breathe Lyrics

I would hold the hand of the one who could lead me places
And kiss the lips of the one who could sing so sweet
And I would fly on a wings of a bird I knew could take me highest
Breathe in, breathe out
You keep me alive
You are the fire burning inside
Breathe in breathe out
You keep me alive
You are my fire, my passions for life

I would dance with the feet I knew could always follow
And take the road that had the straightest path
You do all of these things for me
You are all, and then some

Breathe in, breathe out
You keep me alive
You are the fire burning inside
Breathe in breathe out
You keep me alive
You are the fire burning inside of me
You are my passion for li
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